Saturday, March 30, 2013

High-Res Tau Pics from Digital White Dwarf

Image Dump!!

In lieu of reviewing the digital issue 400 from White Dwarf, I wanted to take advantage of the 360 degree images in the digital version, as well as the ability to enlarge and see huge versions of the images when available, and compile a large gallery of high resolution images of the upcoming Tau release.

This is going to be one of those rare moments when I'm going to let the images speak, and shut my yap for once. Enjoy!

...yeah, I'm a bit giddy.

- Tim


  1. I've been debating eating the digital codex this time around, what are your thoughts Tim?

    1. It's a worthwhile purchase from my perspective. If you put my dust allergies aside, the value in the digital version versus the paper version is much higher for the money. Mind you, you need to own an iPad to take advantage af the digital content, but if you do, the digital version is great!! The sheer cross regency ability alone built into the codex is great..

      Hmmm...methinks my next post will be on the virtues of the digital content...

    2. I would sure appreciate that! Most of my time is spent on an iPad so that isn't an issue. (I blame it for my weird posting)

      I'm on vacation this weekend so I tried the iPad version of this Whitedwarf and it's AMAZING what and how they've packed everything in. That only has me leaning towards an iPad codex.

  2. Nice post. The more I see of the new tau models the more I like them. I wasnt too keen in the fighter bomber when the first leaked images appeared, but I rather like it now.

    1. Agreed, at first I was very nervous about the Tau fighter bomber kit, but the 360 views has made me feel a lot better about them. I still think a few things need tweaking...

    2. I'm with you two. I wasn't thrilled and began thinking of ways to modify one of the FW fliers for my purposes, but it's growing on me the more I play with the 360 degree views.

      Still may need some tweaking though, yes...
