Originally this was going to be the final Adepticon Coverage report. Considering this is more of a synopsis of one single class I took at Adepticon instead of overall coverage of an event or something larger, I thought I'd separate it out and really dig into not just this class, but sculpting in general to some degree.
My forays into sculpting started back in 2006-ish, with my Black Templars, teaching myself ways to sculpt wild fur to somewhat match the Fantasy Chaos Warriors, and capes/cloaks. Fast forward to about 3 years ago, and I hadn't gone any farther in my Green Stuff skills. Not because I didn't want to, but more because I was intimidated by sculpting. So in 2011, I took a class by Joe Orteza at Adeption to learn some basic Green Stuff Sculpting skills.
Turns out I never needed to be intimidate. Why?